Stuff I like
Last updated 5th May 2020.
As you can probably tell, I couldn't really come up with a good name for this page. It contains two types of stuff.
- Stuff I like and use and which I reckon you might like.
- As above, but with an affiliate link, which is denoted with [*].
In case you don't know, an affiliate link means that, if you visit the site by clicking on my affiliate link and then buy something, I will get some kind of payment. To make it worth your while, you will probably get a better deal than if you go straight to the website without using an affiliate link. I might receive free services or, in very rare cases, a small amount of money. Obviously it's kind if you use my affiliate links, as it might help to pay for the hosting for this blog, but I don't mind if you don't. And certainly don't buy something just because you want to say thanks.
Something that might interest you is that, in a lot of cases, when somebody shares a link with a discount, it's an affiliate link. Some people don't reveal this fact and that really annoys me. If you use the link it's mutually beneficial; there's no harm in that. If you've read any of my articles you'll know that I don't recommend products I don't use. What you might not know is that I get emails from people asking me to recommend their stuff in return for free things. I always decline.
Places to eat in Central London
If you're ever in Central London and you want something to eat, you should go to Zucla - http://zucla.com/. It's located in Whitefriars St (just off Fleet St) Google Maps Link.
Everything is freshly prepared and it's really good value for money. It's the cheapest and also the best quality of all the places at which I've eaten whilst working in Central London. When you go in, tell them I sent you if you like.
Cloud Hosting
UpCloud[*] - UpCloud are based in Finland, but have servers in Amsterdam, Chicago, Frankfurt, Helsinki, London and Singapore. Use this link for $25 of free credits when you make your first payment of $10 (there's a free trial period), at which point they'll give me some money for referring you. Or, if you don't use my link, you can enter my referral code directly: 8A72RZ. I have found UpCloud to be extremely good and you can run more than one site quite easily in a VM costing $5/month so, if you use my link, your first seven months of hosting might only cost you $10 in total.
UpCloud offer really fast cloud servers from $5/month and with deployment in less than 45 seconds. They claim to have faster-than-SSD performance and, from what I can tell, they might be right.
Digital Ocean[*] - Digital Ocean are a massive American cloud hosting company. Use this link for $100 of free credits to be used over 60 days. Once you've spent $25 with them, I will receive some money for referring you.
Digital Ocean offer fast cloud servers from $5/month, also with deployment in seconds.
I have live servers with both UpCloud[*] and Digital Ocean[*] and I think my UpCloud servers are slightly faster. This blog is hosted with UpCloud.