I'm Tom Chantler and I live in the UK. I've been doing things with computers since the late 1970s, but I'm not quite as old as you might think; I hadn't even started school at that point.
If you've come straight to this page then, after you've read this bit, click on the logo at the top of the page and see what I've been writing about lately.
These days I'm a freelance consultant and I help people to solve problems, usually relating to software systems. If you think I might be able to help you, you can get in touch via one of the sites listed below.
I care about doing things properly, especially security, which is the main focus of this blog.
You can see details of some of my various qualifications on my LinkedIn Profile. They include: PRINCE 2 Practitioner, Professional Scrum Master (PSM I), TOGAF 9.1 Certified, Certified Ethical Hacker (CEHv9).
NOTE: Some of these qualifications have now expired.
In December 2019, I started taking Microsoft certifications. Here's what I've done so far (click on the badge to verify the achievement):

Some of the articles in this blog have code samples which you can find in my Github profile:
Check out my profile at https://keybase.io/tomchantler which proves that certain online identities belong to me and also gives you a PGP key to use to contact me securely.
Here are a few other places you can find me online, the first one being my own consultancy company:

Why subscribe?
You'll get some free stuff, you might win something and I'm not trying to sell anything. And, of course, I promise not to sell your email address.
Or you can drop me a line at tom@tomssl.com if you like.
The background picture you can see above and throughout this website - the one that looks like it's either Central Park or Gotham City - actually is Central Park. I took that photograph in October 2008 from my hotel room window. Please don't use this picture, or any others from this website, without my permission. You're welcome to all the code snippets though and they're much more useful.